Hello! 👋 My name is

Nicholas Barker


I'm currently an IT Major at Georgia Southern focusing in Cybersecurity and Datacenter Management. I've got a year of Software Engineering experience under my belt after working with Chatham County Government as a Junior Software Engineer.

I am incredibly passionate about building systems both virtually and physical computer systems. I hope to one day be an engineer working on servers and databases as well as doing penetration testing.

Most of my environment is in Debian. I work mostly from the command line, however, I am fluent in MacOS and in Windows. I like to take on projects that require me to use new technologies and further my knowledge base. To deploy web servers and web applications I use the Google Cloud Console which allows me to manage my projects from anywhere.


google cloud Google Cloud
debian Debian
redhat linux Red Hat Linux
bash Bash
java Java
node package manager NPM
markdown Markdown
html HTML
css CSS
javascript JavaScript


beowulf cluster

beowulf cluster


discord bot

savannah now article

Pathfinder Project with Chatham County Government


Let's connect

Want to talk systems? Build a computer? Buy me a beer?



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